ATF v11.90

ATF EMMC Pin Finder v11.90 Update!! 

Release Date: January 30, 2015
Firmware Version Required : 11.0.10
ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows 7/8/8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)

[New ATF Box Firmware]

LogiCore 11.0.10
* Added FIRST-IN-THE-WORLD eMMC Test Point Finder/Locator Engine
* Improved eMMC Read/Write Speeds
* Added more VCCIO Level Adjustments options

[ATF Plus]

* Added Find eMMC TP - eMMC Test Point Finder 1.0
* Absolutely FIRST-IN-THE-WORLD Feature which allows you to Locate the eMMC
Programming Test Points WITH-OUT Removing the eMMC Chip from the PCB.
* Supports Qualcomm, Marvell PXA and Broadcom CPU for CMD and CLK Detection
* Supports Exynos for CLK Test Point Detection
* Other CPUs will be supported soon


--> Added all variants of Microsoft Lumia 330 in Nokia.ini

ATF JTAG 1.0.13 Build 5935

Release Date: January 30, 2015
Firmware Version Required : LogiCore 11.0.10

Change Log
--> Uses new ATF Firmware LogiCore 11.0.10
--> Adjusted eMMC Read/Write Timeouts


VolcanoBox 2.9.5

Boom,, Boom,, Boom,,
Volcano Update lagi dengan Versi 2.9.5 ..

berikut hal yg baru di volcano v 2.9.5

  • MTK6582 add new flash support
  • MTK6592 add new flash support
  • Optimize SPD6531 Read and Write
  • SPD6820, Read factory file add new method
  • SPD8810, Read factory file add new method
  • SPD7710, Read factory file add new method
  • Optimize MTK6575, Write Bin file
  • Optimize MTK6577, Write Bin file
  • MTK6571+EMMC add new Cpu Encrypted Phones Support
  • Some Bugs Solved 

UFSx + HWK Installer Files v02.03.00.06

Berikut Ini kami akan memaparkan cara menginstall UFS HWK .

Sebelum memulai, silahkan Download terlebih dahulu file installernya

File installer : UFSx_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.03.00.06.exe - UFSx_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.03.00.06.exe

Cara Install UFS HWK :
1. Uninstall dahulu semua versi hwk yang sudah ada
2. Install UFSx Support Suite Setup
3. Hubungkan UFSx+HWK sebelum menjalankan UFSx Control Panel
4. Jalankan UFSx Control Panel
5. Pindah Ke TAB "Hardware"
6. Klik  "Scan Boxes" kemudian pilih BOX nya
7. Klik "Check Box"
8. Klik "Update Box"
9. Klik "Check Box" - Pastikan "Box Status" = "True" atau "Bad Software" dan "Server Status" = "Support Ok", sebelum ke tahap selanjutnya
10. Pindah ke TAB "Software"
11. Tentukan "Application Install Path" dan / atau "Nokia Install Path", jika perlu.
12. Klik "Check Server"
13. Klik "Install"

Selamat UFS HWK anda siap digunakan,,